Church History

Calvary Baptist Church was founded in March of 1931 as an old time Independent Missionary Baptist church. It began as a branch mission of the Bell Street Baptist Church in Wichita Falls. The original building exterior was constructed of sheet iron. The interior was put together from materials acquired from an old Burk opera house that was being torn down. Decorative tin adorned the ceilings and walls giving a joyous sound to spirit-filled preaching and singing. From the church’s humble early beginnings to present, the spirit of Almighty God has led the pastors and dedicated membership to proclaim and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bro. Ray C. Morrow was the first pastor and led the church for 47 years. A young man named Virgle Jones was saved by the grace of God through the preaching of Pastor Morrow. ln 1952, Virgle was ordained to preach the Gospel. God was providing for the church’s future, as in October, 1986, Bro. Morrow had to resign due to health reasons. The church, then, called Bro. Jones to come home and serve as pastor. Bro. Jones accepted the call in November 1986. He and the small membership faced a great challenge to continue the church as times were hard and the membership had dwindled. He gathered six men together to pray and seek God’s guidance. Soon their prayers were answered as God opened doors for the church to sell the original property and purchase land at the current location of 108 Preston. Although those few men couldn’t have scraped together $100 when they originally met, God had made a way. Through donations and hard work of the membership, the vision of the church on Preston became a reality. The first joyous meeting in the new church building was held on March 22, 1987 with 53 in attendance.

In January, 1988, Bro. Jones had to resign due to health problems. Bro. Herb Smith was asked to serve as interim pastor, which he faithfully did until the Church called Bro. Johnny Dowell to be the pastor in March, 1989. Bro. Dowell served the church as its pastor over the course of 18 years serving as its pastor twice. SanctuaryUnder his leadership, the church added a larger auditorium, more Sunday School classrooms, a gym, and a Church office.

In March, 2004, the Church called Bro. Wayne Hudson to pastor the Church. He served as its pastor until 2006 when he resigned to go into full time evangelism. In November, 2006, Bro. Johnny Dowell returned to pastor the church.

In January, 2009, Calvary Baptist called Bro. Jerry Jackson to be its new pastor. Bro. Jackson had been a missionary in Papua New Guinea. He served as pastor until December, 2010, when he left to become a missionary again.

In January, 2011, the Church called Bro. Danny Medford to pastor the church. Bro. Medford served until June, 2014. He resigned to accept the call to pastor another church.

In June, 2014, Calvary Baptist called Bro. Jeffery Davison to be its new pastor. Bro. Davison accepted the call and continues to serve as its current pastor.

Through the years, Calvary has had its ups and downs, but has always remained faithful to preach the Gospel. In July, 2016, Calvary was able to pay off its building debt and become completely debt free, which enabled us to do more for the glory of God. God has been so good to Calvary Baptist, the church continues to grow and continues its mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and being a “light on a hill” for the local community.


Pastor Johnny Dowell and wife Pat

Pastor Wayne Hudson

Pastor Jerry Jackson

Pastor Danny Medford


Pastor Jeffery Davison and wife Alice